Sheet metal forming
Shaping sheet metal is essential for many manufacturing chains. Continuous improvements are being made in the field, both in shaping methods and in materials for sheet metal, tools and surfacing.
Research and development in sheet metal shaping requires knowledge within several disciplines, including materials, tribology and processing, as well as knowledge of the equipment for testing and verification. Swerim has depth knowledge in the field and good access to lab equipment.
Process, methods and materials for sheet metal forming
We help you to improve your product or process. Examples of research and services are:
- Refinement of new processes and materials
- Shapeability analyses and determination of material properties
- Modelling and control of heat shaping, which involves formability limit diagrams (equibiaxial, flat elongation, single-axis pull), friction data, heat transfer figures, phase conversions under deformation
- Modelling, friction and wear appraisals of different tools/lubricants/sheet metal combinations
- FE simulation of shaping processes
- Production processes and press functions
- Optical 3D scanning of geometries
- New shaping methods, such as hydro-pressing, magnetic pulse shaping and shaping with local heat treatment
- Mechanical properties for impact simulation
- Component properties, e.g. dent resistance and regidity
- Analysis of process robustness, process windows
- Failure and fault analyses for processes and materials
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