Electronics testing and analysis

Electronics testing is important to ensure the security of electronics products. Swerim has well-equipped laboratories and solid experience of testing and analysis of electronics and electronics components.

We can help you to develop, test and quality assure your current and future electronics products. Aspects such as encapsulation technology, thermal design and reliability assessment are decisive for optimizing the function and service life of electronics and electronics components. Our expertise includes materials and failure analysis, reliability testing, selection of electronics packaging and process validation.

Test facilities

Our laboratory facilities include SEM, EDS and TEM for microanalysis, climate chambers for temperature cycling and environmental testing, and special equipment for vibration and mechanical shock testing of electrical solder joints.

We provide electronic testing and analysis, above all, in the following areas:

  • Reliability testing
  • Cleanliness testing of printed circuit boards
  • Lifecycle and environmental testing
  • HALT/ HASS and vibration testing
  • Climate chambers for temperature cycling
  • Mechanical shock testing of electrical solder joints
  • Quality assurance and testing of electronic contacts
  • Shock and vibration testing of electrical solder joints
  • Evaluation and failure analysis of lead-free solder joints
  • Optimization and failure analysis of SiC power components
