National Hydrogen Research Centre for Metallic Materials invites you to the 3rd Swerim Hydrogen Seminar – process and materials in Luleå, Wednesday, May 22.
08.30–09.00 Registration and coffee
- Welcome to the seminar, Pontus Sjöberg, Swerim
- Experiences from the Hybrit Pilot Project, Pauli Koski and Daniel Söderström, Hybrit
- Uddeholm Fossil Free Production, David Blecko, Uddeholm
Coffee break
- Research for SSAB Steel Production Transition, Jonas Engdahl, SSAB
- Austenitic Stainless Steels for Hydrogen Storage and Transport, Johan Pilhagen, Outokumpu
- Prevention of Hydrogen Embrittlement in High-Strength Hybrid Steel, Steve Ooi, Ovako
11.40–12.40 Lunch
- Samordning av nyindustrialiseringen i Norrbotten, AnneLie Granljung, Tillväxtverket
- Economic and Climate Benefits from the Green Transition, Ylva Sardén, Region Norrbotten
- Investments in the Electric Transmission Grid in Northen Sweden, Maria Jalvemo, Svenska Kraftnät
- The Hydrogen Research Infrastructure at Swerim, Ida Heintz, Swerim
14:00–15:00 Bus transfer to Swerim and coffee break
15.00–16:30 Guided tour at Swerim
17.00 Bus transfer to Clarion Hotel Sense and Luleå Airport
Programme as pdf
Programme_3rd Swerim Hydrogen Seminar.pdf
(186.57 KB)
Meeting Details
- Link to registration >>
- Date: Wednesday 22 of May
- Time (CET): 09:00–17:00
- Location: Clarion Hotel sense, Luleå
- RSVP: Please register no later than Wednesday May 15.
- Cost: Free of charge for members in the Arena for hydrogen in process and materials. Non-members SEK 3,000 exclusive VAT.
- Member companies in the Arena:
ABB Metallurgy - Alleima EMEA - Björneborg Steel - Boliden Mineral - Celsa Armeringsstål - Elkem ASA Technology - Eramet Norway - Fagersta Stainless - Gestamp HardTech - Hybrit - Höganäs - Jernkontoret - Kanthal - Linde Sverige - LKAB - Outokumpu - Ovako Bar - Ovako Sweden - Paroc Group - Prevas - RHI Magnesita -Sibelco Nordic - SMA Mineral - SSAB EMEA Borlänge - SSAB EMEA Luleå - SSAB EMEA Oxelösund - SSAB Europe - SSAB Technology - Terrabarrier - Uddeholms - Valmet - Vargön Alloy. Specially invited: Svenska Kraftnät, Region Norrbotten and Tillväxtverket. - Link to pre-booked hotel rooms at Clarion Hotel Sense.