
Årets rapport!
Lyckad innovation inom svensk stålindustri: Prediktiv Rostfri Fasdesign (PRoFasD) utsedd till årets rapport vid metalliska materials programkonferens!
Congratulations to project manager Sten Wessman, Swerim, and the participating project partners Alleima, Outokumpu Stainless, Thermo-Calc Software, KTH and Swerim.
The project has resulted in a new thermodynamic database for stainless steel with improved prediction of matrix phases and secondary phases. With the new database it is now possible to optimise process conditions with a high degree of accuracy, resulting in steel with improved corrosion resistance and mechanical properties.
Our collaboration with leading players in the industry has not only strengthened the Swedish steel industry's position, but it has also contributed to more sustainable and innovative steel production in Sweden. We look forward to continuing our work and exploring new horizons for the Swedish steel industry.
The project PRoFasD is funded by Vinnova via Metallic Materials.
Staffan Hertzman, Swerim received the ward from Gert Nilsson, Jernkontoret (Swedish Steel Producers' Association).