Products with optimal surface properties

Today's multifunctional materials and products place higher demands on wear resistance and improved surface properties. Swerim employs many different methods for assessing component and product surfaces and surface layers, in terms of both mechanical and physical properties.

Reduction of energy use and environmental impact will be one of the most important drivers of the development of future surface treatment processes. Development is driven by demands on performance, flexibility and adaptation for different environments.

Optimised surface properties for multimaterials

Increasingly, the trend is towards products with a high degree of surface cleanliness and optimal surface properties. Products with optimal surface properties give you, as a customer, significant competitive advantage in terms of reduced maintenance and production costs.

Our facilities are used for experimentation and testing under realistic production conditions. This may involve study and analysis of untreated surfaces of steels and other metals.

Functional properties

Normally, surface-treated components that must meet specific requirements with respect to corrosion resistance, abrasive wear resistance and other types of functional surface properties are of interest.

Mechanical and physical surface properties

Mechanical properties may have an impact on the surface's resistance against different types of deformation. We use a range of test methods and assess the surface layer with respect to adhesion, bending fatigue, impact resistance and wear, to name just a few. Physical surface properties may include colour deviations, gloss and wavy interfaces between layers.

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