
Hydrogen Research cases
Hydrogen Research Product sheets
Hydrogen Research Product sheets

National Hydrogen Research Center for Metallic Materials
Hydrogen as an energy carrier has great potential to transform the metallurgical, automotive and energy industries towards carbon neutrality. In order to support the industry, Swerim has started the National Hydrogen Research Center for Metallic Materials at Swerim.
Hydrogen technologies will be decisive for realising the transition to a fossil-free society, which is why we must learn more about how hydrogen impacts metallic materials. Swerim has the knowledge and equipment and we are well acquainted with customers' requirements. A broad range of research projects concerning hydrogen are already under way at Swerim in collaboration with the industry.
Hydrogen's impact on metals
Swerim is constantly developing the center's test facility according to industry needs. We test mechanical properties in hydrogen environments in both Kista and Luleå. The facility, one of few in the world, will strengthen the competitive advantage of Swedish industry and enable shorter lead times for verifying materials and components.
Different applications require handling of hydrogen under different pressures and temperatures. Swerim meet the needs of industry by offering testing under both high and low temperatures and pressures up to 1000 bar.
Large-scale gas research facilities

1. Pilot-plant halls, 2. Demo Plant I, 3. Demo Plant II, 4. Gas Cleaning Plant, 5. ATEX zones, 6. Electrolyzer, 7. Gas Holders, 8. Chem station, 9. Workshop (mechanical, electrical, instrument); A. Storage, B. Railway Track and C. Head Office.
Our research centre is equipped with state of-the-art infrastructure and innovative technology that enables seamless achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for industrial processes. This facility is the perfect platform for demonstrating and refining your technology to advance the industry to new heights.
We pride ourselves on our capacity to accommodate large-scale research pilots and demos for the metallurgy industry.
Our facilities include:
- An alkaline electrolyzer with a capacity of 100 Nm3/hr H2 production
- A walking beam furnace capable of processing 3 t/hr.
- A dedicated compressor offering 800 Nm3/hr compression up to 25 bar, and much more.
- ATEX zones are the key to demonstrating large scale gas processing under industrial conditions. Swerim has flexible use zones in the 60-320 m2 floor space up to 15 m in height.
- Product sheet: Large-scale gas research facilities for the metallurgy industry
Our comprehensive infrastructure ensures that we can meet and exceed the most demanding cases with relative ease.
Mechanical testing with hydrogen gas
To be able to manufacture components that can be used safely and reliably in hydrogen-rich environments, a good knowledge of the material's performance in such environments is essential. You find this at Swerim.

Testing capability
- Tensile testing
- Slow Strain Rate Testing (SSRT)
- Low Cycle Fatigue Testing (LCF)
- High Cycle Fatigue Testing (HCF)
- Thermo Mechanical Fatigue Testing (TMF)
- Post-fracture analysis by SEM
- Hydrogen quantification by TDMS
- Temperature from -150 °C to 1200 °C
- Gas pressure up to 1000 bar
- Coming soon: H2 autoclave for fracture mechanics testing up to 1000 bars
- Product sheet: Mechanical testing with hydrogen gas