Swerims's research programmes and networks

Swerim manage several research programmes, research consortiums and networks. Swerim's research programs, research consortia and networks are the basis of our contacts with industry.

By gathering different players with interests in the same research area, we are able to find efficient solutions to joint challenges. Many research projects are initiated through collaborative research programmes, research consortiums or networks.

Swerim runs three research programs where the member companies together formulate solutions to common challenges. Several research projects are on-going within the framework of each program.

Three research programs

  • Metallurgy
  • Heating and metalworking
  • Material development and manufacturing processes

Within our research programmes we create regular networking opportunities for partners in industry, public administrations, materials suppliers and researchers. This includes project meetings, seminars, conferences and courses.

Our networks is a founding piece of our good relations with the industry sector. The networks engage hundreds of companies, large and small, from different sectors and industries. Joining a network means increased possibilities, expanded network and access to the recent updates on knowledge and know-how.

Link to programme committee

Link to Swerim's brochure "We create benefit for industry"

Research consortiums

Centre for Joining and Structures (CJS) – A platform for research and development within the field of joining and structures.

Low Alloy Steels and Casting – A research consortium for research and development of cutting edge knowledge and long term development of steel making.

Metallography and Microanalysis – A research consortium for research and development of new and existing methods within metallography.

Powder Metallurgy – A research consortium focussing on the impact of alloying elements, contamination and process parameters on microstructure and characteristics of powder materials.

Process Monitoring – A research consortium for companies interested in the development of techniques for monitoring of industrial processes.

Stainless – A platform for research and development within stainless steels and nickel-base alloys, focussing on the entire product chain – from materials production to the end-consumer. 


Arena for hydrogen in process and materials – a network for dissemination of results and exchange of experience about hydrogen in process and materials. 

Computational Tools for Alloy Design – A forum for users of thermodynamic and kinetic calculations for process and alloy development.

Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals – The Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals is a network for collaboration with the goal to increase adoption and speed up sustainable industrialization of metal AM.

Heat Treatment Center (VBCentrum)


Want to know more about a reserch program, consortia or a specific network? Please contact one of our two contact persons and they will guide you correctly.